Thursday 9 June 2011

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

So, last week saw the release of promotional material for Modern Warfare 3. I was walking into Tesco when I noticed the stand with empty game cases close by the door. It surprised me because I really wasn't expecting it. I had pretty much forgotten the new CoD comes out in November and it is only June so I didn't expect Tesco to be flying the Call of Duty flag so early in the year. Game and Gamestation, yes... Tesco, no. Mind you, on the release of Black Ops my local Tesco was over run with people buying the game (and I'll bet a lot of employers were wondering why no one was in work that morning). I'll also point out that I don't live in a city, just a town, so it's not like the epicenter for all the fans to purchase their next hit of gaming goodness.

Below is a picture of the Modern Warfare 3 box that has hit the shelves as a promotional tool.

Last year Black Ops left a sour taste in some peoples mouth as it failed to live up to the hype. Many hardcore online gamers reverted back to Modern Warfare 2 for the all out mayhem. This isn't to say Black Ops is not a good game. Treyarch did do a good job with the story and the extra zombie content but it felt (and pretty much is) a rework of World at War. Anyway, I'm not going to bang on about the pros and cons of Black Ops as this is not a review.

As has always been the way with Activision they alternate between Treyarch and Infinity Ward and this installment will be brought to you by the more than capable Infinity Ward.

So with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 back in the hands of Infinity Ward one things for sure... that unrivaled online multi-player action will be back and better than ever.

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